My Matric Ball was one of the best moments of my life. I spent months gushing over dresses, shoes, hairstyles – what would the event be like? Would I dance? Would I look pretty like all the other girls, and most importantly, who would I take as a partner? Okay, I'll admit it... I spent years thinking about it and it came and went in an instant. After months and weeks of preparing, just like that, it was over. I had my hair done at my usual hairdresser and I was in awe that she actually did the style exactly like I wanted it. *Yay* to her. My dress was a red beauty sent straight from the Dress Gods. I absolutely love it! I even cropped it and wore it as a braids-maid dress to my sister's wedding. It's not everyday you get to parade around in full make up, heels and a stunning dress. Some people get the dress code so right. It makes me want to cry enough tears to last a few chick-flicks. And then others... They make me want to poke my eyeballs out. Hello. Please don't wear your grandma's curtain. It's not dress fabric. Bye. But my sister explained to me that not everyone has an older sister, with a wild/mad fashion skill that will help them and guide them in the right fashion direction - and that we should not judge. Sure Candice, take credit for my fashion sense why don't you.

This made me question: Who do we take our fashion inspiration from? Obviously the media and celebrities. But ladies, we also have our grannies, mums, aunts and big sisters. None of you can tell me that you haven't fitted on your mum/big sisters high heels and paraded around like the Queen of England when you were a kid. Am I right? Yes. We've all done it.

My sister kept it with her in Pretoria. Apparently if I looked at it too much I would become less excited. Uhm ok? But they were right. I couldn't contain myself in the week leading up to the ball. September 29, 2012. Forever etched into my heart. Putting on the dress, showing my family and friends, driving up to my school, walking the red carpet and dancing whole night in my pride and joy will forever stay with me as a memory I treasure. I thank my family for that wonderful opportunity.
Here are some matric ball dresses the popular girls should wear. ( I'm a secret mean girl and we all want to look better than the popular girl right?)
And here are some dresses I would recommend to those closest to my heart, my entourage. (kidding, I love my friends)
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